
- Food for the Needy -


In the opening paragraph of the Haggadah recited at the Seder, we declare: "All who are hungry, let them come and eat." Our nation is a singular entity, and in order to experience freedom ourselves, we must also ensure that our brothers and sisters have the means to celebrate freedom too.

In reality, however, most of the people who are hungry will not be standing in our dining rooms as we begin our Seder, waiting for the invitation. As such, in preparation for the Passover holiday, it is age-old Jewish tradition to contribute generously towards funds that ensure that indeed everyone who is in need has the necessary provisions for the holiday food, matzah, wine, festive clothing, etc.

This special Passover fund, originally intended to provide the poor with matzah, is known as ma'ot chitim, "the wheat fund," or kimcha d'pischa, "Passover flour. Don't be left out of this centuries-old web of giving. Join us in ensuring that everyone has what they need for Passover. Every contribution makes a difference.

Please complete the form below and donate generously so we can help alleviate the pain and suffering of the needy in our own community.

We thank you for your support, and wish you and yours much success and blessing in all that you do.  In the merit of your kindness, may G‑d shower you with happiness, nachas and prosperity.