Shabbos Kiddush, the communal gathering that follows the morning prayers, is a traditional opportunity to mark joyous events and life cycle occasions within the community. A birthday, anniversary, or Yartzait are all events commonly honored at the Kiddush, as well as baby namings, graduations, and other opportunities to give thanks in the company of family and friends. The Richmond Torah Center Chabad offers Sponsorship of our Shabbos Kiddush with two options, a regular Kiddush Lunch and a Deluxe Kiddush.

At the conclusion of Shabbath morning prayers, just after noon, the congregation gathers to say the blessing over the wine ("Kiddush"). The week's Sponsor has an opportunity to speak about the event for which they are sponsoring the Kiddush, and is welcome to say a few words about the Torah portion of that week, an upcoming Jewish holiday, or another Jewish topic. (The Rabbi or Rebbetzin will be glad to help the Sponsor prepare their remarks.)

The cost of sponsoring a Kiddush is:
Regular Kiddush: $360 for 30-40 people and includes a fish dishes 
(besides salads and cholent and cake)

Deluxe Kiddush: $400 for 30-40 people and includes a fish course and a meat course is served as well.
(besides salad and cholent and cake)

Special requests can be accommodated. Please contact us if you have a specific request.

Click here to email or call (415) 386 - 8123 to sponsor a Kiddush